Professor Takahashi was awarded the 2020 National Science and Technology Award on 7th April, 2020, by Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Science and Technology Promotion Division. The MEXT commendation aims at improving the motivation of those contributing to advanced science and technology by praising outstanding achievements, and to contribute to the improvement of science and technology standards.
The commendation was for contributions by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and University of Tsukuba team for development of the unique space mouse breeding system, which is being used in Japan's Kibo laboratory module aboard the International Space Station (ISS), for investigation of the biomedical effects of micro-gravity.
髙橋智教授(医学医療系)が、令和2年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(科学技術振興部門)を受賞しました。受賞の対象となった研究業績は、「宇宙マウス飼育システム開発から健康長寿と有人探査への貢献」です。